
The book I’m reading in the Reading Workshop is “Holes”. I like this book because It’s about a boy who goes to a camp for being bad. Obviously he goes to the camp to dig “holes” for punishment. The boys Name is “Stanley Yelnats” (first name spelled backwards).

When Stanley got to the camp everyone didn’t like him,they pushed him around and made Stanly mad. Stanley has conflict when digging holes, like finding items and reporting them to the consulars but not getting the day off. Stanley also has problems with the Warden like fighting, fighting with consulars and getting into trouble

This book is good I hope you read it or watch the movie but I like the book.

Bad Days, Good Days!

Everyone has their good days and sometimes their bad days. But Good days are days that occur most the time. You can tell it’s a good day when a parent or a kid does something good for you. When it’s a bad day you could be grumpy, sleepy and not participating. Sometimes you could possibly have both at the same time. Like you got something new but you already broke it. Good days and bad days occur all the time but don’t feel bad this happens to everyone.


Authors Feeling

When I read this poem it makes me feel sad and tells me the authors feeling for this poem.

Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor —
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now —
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

It sounds like the  author is trying to tell his son feeling. The author is trying to tell his son his feeling that he gets when reading a book.
I think there can be a connection between the author’s and a reader’s feelings in this poem.

Click photo for movement.


My “Feelings” for Foster’s War

The book I’m reading in the reading workshop is Foster’s War

I like this book because the feeling and connection I have is very strong in my opinion. The book makes me feel happy, some parts sad. But my feeling for the book make me feel happy, funny and angry.The only time I get angry in this book is when I’m reading then we have to stop because it’s a good part like Foster in the middle of an air raid then we have to stop. When I get sad is when Foster writes A thoughtful letter to his brother in the war. When I’m happy in this book is when Foster is playing around with old friends of his and having fun like I use to with my old friends.

Why I Like “Foster’s War”

I like Foster’s war because, He faces problems throughout the book like being attacked by the Japanese army any time. The best thing about my book is Foster sending letters to his older brother Mel shipped some where in the ocean (unknown location). Then his Best friend jimmy is exiled to a internment camp. Then Foster is at risk at being a war fighting the Japanese army.

The last paragraph on the back of the book says “Everything is changing for Foster, except the one thing he wishes would change most—his father’s cold, harsh attitude. His mother says that everyone has to pitch in and work for peace effort, but it’s not until a crisis rocks his family that Foster realizes what hes fighting for”. This paragraph sounds like the whole family trying to defend against the Japanese army and fighting for peace.


I Relate To “White Fang”

I’m like White Fang (the wolf) because, He has the feelings and emotions like me. White fang is shy and gets angry or raging real easy like me. I get angry when someone  makes me mad and I’m shy around “new” people I first meet. If White Fang were to be a real person like me he would probably have the same personality and behavior as me, Angry, weird and shy. Theres probably 1 thing different between me and White Fang that I’m a person and White fang is a wolf.

Relating to the book is cool because you can find out what you and the character have in common. Ex: A book character with a movie character see what they have in common and how their different. Sometimes you and the book character or main character can be  alike and sometimes completely different.

If I were to be like White Fang for a day I would be good with that because, White Fang is adventurous and brave and most the time shy. White Fang is a wolf but I think me and him could connect. I only read a little bit through the book like from page 1-45 but it tells you a lot about White Fang. Me and white fang connect because White fangs brave and strong. I’m strong, White Fang is outgoing (not shy). But I’m shy we both have things in common and different.

My future

When I grown up I want to play football.

If I accomplish this dream of playing football I would be rich, then I could have a good life to live. School is going very good right now so I could definitely play football. It all matters on your grades to accomplish a school goal or dream.

If I could accomplish something else It would to Christian in church. I’ve been going to church a lot lately and I’ve loved it. Sometimes we have free time in church and most the time it’s playing I’m okay with that, but sometimes it’s constant playing and I think we should have more church time than playing.

My future is coming close and before you know it, I’ll be playing football soon. If my future holds the truth about me I hope it’s very true because I predict that my future is very good and not bad. Future is a prediction and you won’t know what happens so be ready when your growing up.
